What is it we rememver when we think of Rando?

Created by ChinNVisa 14 years ago
I Think everyone who knows him well will agree with me. It's his sense of humor. When asked about anything he would just laugh and when he could not get his own way he would say "alright, you gwaan, Everything Criss man, Everything Criss. It's very hard to find persons as tenderhearted and loving as Rando. His love was manifested in numerous ways but two of which were; the way he cared for his nephew Donte' and the spicial love he had for his sister Tanya. It was hard for one to know that Donte' (Tanya's son)was not his biological child. They were seen in each others company laughing,talking and sharing special moments. Although she was not his twin, they were very close and he did not think twice to help her. On sundays whe she cooked he always said "mi sista share mi dinner please." A charming character he was.
