Rando's School Years

Created by ChinNVisa 14 years ago
Rando's formative years of education began at the Salvation Army Basic School. From there, he like many was transferred to the Montego Bay Infant School. In order to fulfil his true potential he gained enrty to Cornaldi Avenue Primary School where he sat and passed the the Common Entrance Examination which earned him a place at Cornwall College. During his years at Cornwall College he developed an affinity for Technical Drwaing and Building Technology which he later pursed at the Montego Bay Community College, where he was a member of the Rotary Club, Tourism Club and an active member of the Football and Basketball Teams. Over the years Rando's love for sports expanded to include bike riding. he was not only a spectator but also an active participant. he grew to love bikes immensely. He later went to Boston on the Work Programme and resided there for a while with his Aunty Puff.
